Posture Correction in Langley

Best posture correction physiotherapists in Langley, BC

At Opal Physio In Lower Mainland BC our therapists can help people fix their bad postures and address underlying musculoskeletal health problems. Our physiotherapist will work with you to determine what caused your postural problem and can identify how significant it is. They will then make a physical therapy treatment plan just for you.

Posture Correction
Improve your posture

Why posture correction?

Incorrect postures have become an enormous issue that affects many people. It can cause pain, headaches, reduced focus and concentration and the inability to perform daily activities efficiently. The situation worsens with increased prolonged sitting postures and reduced active lifestyle. Many patients find that they need help from a physiotherapist for posture correction treatment.

In addition, recent technological advances have led to the population struggling with more pain and dysfunction. This is due to prolonged periods spent glued to screens, desk work or holding their phone or mobile device, leading to poor posture.

Postural Correction Using Manual Therapy

The goal of posture correction physiotherapy treatment for men and women is to restore your muscle group from any imbalances leading to pain symptoms. Our physiotherapist uses a manual therapy approach and exercises to help reduce pain, increase joint mobility or flexibility, and improve posture and alignment.

Poor posture usually stems from a combination of:

  • Lack of strength in key postural muscles.
  • Muscle imbalance.
  • Reduced endurance in postural muscles.
  • Overactivity in significant other muscles.

Poor posture resulting from prolonged periods of sitting or standing can lead to pain and dysfunction, which may make day-to-day activities more challenging and are likely to worsen over time. Posture correction treatment can be helpful in addressing these issues

Physiotherapy treatment for postural correction Includes:

  • Stretching of tight tissues or muscles.
  • Strengthening of the weak muscles.
  • Myofascial release
  • Muscle and joint mobilization
  • Modalities like Laser and Ultrasound to address any pain or muscle tone increase
  • Taping
  • Postural retraining exercises
  • Home exercises management

Postural Retraining

At Opal Physiotherapy, we can treat pain related to postural issues by providing postural retraining with awareness, lifestyle modifications, education, exercises, manual therapy, taping techniques etc.

We provide specific workout programs to gain strength and endurance in key muscle groups that can help improve long-term outcomes. We can also provide advice on ergonomics, which can help you improve your posture at work and at home.

We use posture correction techniques to improve joint and muscle function with mobilization, breathing exercises and sustained or dynamic stretching positions appropriate for every condition. Following the session, the therapist will also provide a home exercise program to help maintain and improve your posture.

Postural Retraining Langley
Postural Retraining

Physiotherapy-based postural rehabilitation treatment is appropriate for all ages, from young to seniors. A personalized treatment plan will help you achieve the best results. For example, if you think you have poor posture and increased pain when sitting or standing prolonged, you will benefit from a full postural assessment.

Having an optimal posture through posture correction will help you improve pain and perform better with your function.

Postural Issues Commonly Identified and Treated with Physiotherapy

Forward head posture (FHP) is when the head droops forward and can lead to muscle tension in the neck, headaches, and sore upper back, neck and shoulder pain. It can also lead to pinched nerves causing arm pain. Forward head posture can result from poor ergonomics, prolonged periods spent sitting at desks, computers, driving or looking at your phone. FHP can also be caused by carrying heavy bags or purses on one side of the body. Forward head Syndrome is a muscle imbalance causing muscle tightness in the upper neck muscles that pull the top of the spine (cervical vertebrae) forward and from weakness in the anterior neck muscles.

Kypholordosis is when the vertebrae are asymmetrical and have lost their average height. Kypholordosis is typically caused by excessive curvature of the spine in one direction in the upper and lower back and can also be caused by disease or injury. In addition, this posture can cause weakness in the neck, abdominal muscles, buttock muscles and tightness to hip muscles.

Kyphosis is an exaggerated or excessive posterior curvature of your upper and mid-back. Kyphosis can happen for many reasons, including muscle imbalances and poor posture. To fix kyphosis, a person must strengthen their back muscles and stretch anterior muscles to reverse the curve using postural retraining.

Lordosis is a forward curvature of the spine in the lower back. It is characterized by an exaggerated arching in the back with an increase in pelvic tilt. It can be caused by issues in the hip joints, sacroiliac joint, and spine. In addition, lordosis may occur due to muscle atrophy or lack of movement. Lordosis is more visible in a normal standing position. The posterior iliac crest and the sacral area are most commonly affected by lordosis.

Forward-rounded shoulders are a postural adjustment that occurs when someone slouches for a longer duration. It is often seen in young adolescents due to a lack of bone development and muscle strength. The most common postural condition is caused by restricted movement in the scapula and the inability to maintain proper posture, from doing repetitive tasks such as typing or using a computer mouse, repetitive reaching, and after an injury to the shoulder joint causing neck, back and shoulder pain. The muscles around the chest and neck can become tight and need to be stretched.

Flatback is when the spine’s normal curvature is lost, causing the spine to be flat. These problems may arise due to weakness in the hip, back muscles and tight hamstring muscles.

Sway Back posture: In a swayback posture, your body weight shifts to the back of your hips, causing the lower spine and buttock muscles to lose strength. The most common causes are weak core muscles, a sedentary lifestyle, and chronic bad habits such as sitting.

Leg Length Discrepancies: The difference in leg lengths can happen when one leg is shorter than the other leg due to uneven weight distribution, which can cause back pain, shoulder pain, and knee pain. Additionally, people with a difference in height between their legs are more susceptible to injuries.

A true leg length discrepancy can be a result of disparity in bones. The apparent leg length difference can be from a shortening of muscle tissues and joints, making the leg seem shorter.

Scoliosis is when the spine is twisted and curved to the side. As a result, scoliosis causes the spinal column to be crooked or uneven, leading to muscle weakness and other complications on one side of the body. Scoliosis can be caused by numerous things, such as genetic conditions, abnormal growth, injury or illness and can be retrained and corrected at earlier stages.

The Importance of Professional Posture Correction

Good posture is crucial for maintaining long-term health and preventing various health issues, including muscle tension, pain, fatigue, and other common ailments. Professional posture correction by a physio can help individuals improve their posture and reap numerous benefits, both physical and psychological.

Benefits of Good Posture

  1. Reduced back pain: Incorrect posture is a significant risk factor for low back pain. Maintaining good posture can help alleviate this discomfort.
  2. Improved spine and neck health: Proper posture reduces the risk of back and neck pain, as it helps maintain the natural curves of the spine.
  3. Increased energy levels: Poor posture can negatively affect energy levels, resulting in fatigue. Practicing good body alignment may help you remain focused and energized at work.
  4. Better balance and stability: Good posture helps develop strength, flexibility, and balance in your body, leading to less muscle pain and more energy throughout the day.
  5. Injury prevention: Proper posture reduces stress on muscles and ligaments, decreasing the risk of injury.
  6. Enhanced self-esteem: Good posture can boost self-confidence, as demonstrated by a 2009 study.
  7. Improved mood: There is evidence that good posture can positively impact mood.

Preventing the development of poor posture

The primary cause of poor posture is a gradual decline in the alignment of your musculoskeletal system that gets worse over time. Regular exercise is the single most effective measure you can take to improve your posture.

It is possible to achieve and keep your ideal postural alignment with the use of a well-designed muscular training posture correction programme that works to maintain a balanced level of muscle tension across your whole body. In addition to helping you achieve optimal alignment, yoga may help you maintain balanced, strong, and flexible muscles and connective tissues in your body.

Posture Correction Exercises

Posture Correction Exercises (PCE)are commonly prescribed in physical therapy to rehabilitate the spine. Workouts are performed in a supervised setting or at home and are prescribed to patients after having identified postural issues, undergone spinal surgery, or sustained a back or neck injury. They’re designed to help straighten and restore the spine’s natural curves and encourage healthy alignment.

Exercises for posture correction can also include strength, flexibility and balance re-training programs. In addition, core muscle strength and cardio training are also very advantageous.

Posture Correction Exercises
Posture Correction Exercises and Rehabilitation in Langley BC

Frequently asked questions

Maintaining good posture is vital for both physical and mental health. When you have an optimal posture, you are more likely to have increased energy levels, improved circulation, and increased confidence. It makes you feel better, and it helps your muscles work more efficiently and can also reduce strain and muscle soreness.

Many things can affect your posture, including your environment, body type, activities and even the way you sit. However, an optimal posture is essential as it will help you maintain a healthy spine and reduce upper back pain, lower back pain, neck pain, stiffness and other injuries.

A healthy posture is a position in which the head, neck, spine, and pelvis are in a straight line. This means that your head should be aligned with your spine and not tilted forward or backwards. Your shoulders should also be relaxed and not hunched up around your ears.

But remember, the optimal healthy posture is always to refrain from prolonged positions and to keep frequently changing your positions, which is more ideal and a healthier option.

To improve your posture, it is vital to start by identifying what may be causing any postural issues that you might be experiencing. Many professionals can help you with posture correction: physiotherapists, chiropractors, osteopaths, massage therapists, etc. Try to find the right one to help with your needs.

Bad posture can cause several physical and mental health issues. Some of the most common effects include the following:

  • Chronic pain
  • Tight and weak muscles
  • Headaches
  • Neck or shoulder pain
  • Back pain
  • Hip Pain
  • Nerve Pain with numbness or tingling sensation
  • Lack of energy levels
  • Poor sleep quality
  • Poor digestion
  • Reduced confidence

Regular change in position, avoiding static posture and sustained positions, and performing regular stretching and strengthening exercises with a healthy balanced diet and adequate hydration are quite important for healthy joints and muscles.

Also, contact your physical therapist to help identify postural issues, change posture habits, and provide you with appropriate exercise training.

A physiotherapist can help with postural correction by using a variety of techniques that can include education, manual therapy techniques, and corrective exercises, including stretching and strengthening of appropriate muscle groups and other soft tissues to improve better control and stability in our joints and muscles.

Yes, there are posture correction exercises that can help improve back pain. Some specific training may help include:

  • Doing gentle stretches and yoga poses to help lengthen and loosen the muscles in the back.
  • Practicing good posture habits throughout the day, such as changing postures frequently, intermittent stretches, sitting upright in a chair, using lumbar back support and avoiding slouching for a long duration.
  • Performing strengthening exercises for the back and abdominal muscles to help support the spine.

But it is always advisable to consult your physiotherapist if your back pain persists.

Postural rehabilitation is a process that takes time and effort. It is not an instant fix and can be done effectively with the help of your physiotherapist to ensure the best possible outcome and with a home training program.

The time taken to help with posture correction depends on the severity of the condition. It could take 2-3 months to see any significant change in posture. The process involves multiple sessions of physiotherapy, exercises, and lifestyle changes.

There is no definitive answer to this question as everyone’s body is different, and what works for one person may not work for another. However, some posture correctors may be more effective than others depending on the individual.

For example, a posture corrector that helps to improve upper back alignment may be more beneficial for someone with poor posture due to slouching. Ultimately, it is important to find a posture corrector that is comfortable to wear and provides good support to achieve the best results.

Yes, you can correct a hunched neck with Physical therapy exercises and good posture. To fix your hunch, start by improving your neck posture. Sit up straight and tuck in your chin. Then, focus on your back posture. Strengthen the muscles in your back and shoulders to help pull your shoulders back and down. Finally, do workouts that stretch and lengthen your neck muscles regularly as well.

It might be. Slouching doesn’t necessarily cause back pain, but it can create an imbalance in your spine and causing pressure on your spine. This can, in turn, lead to lower back pain. A better solution would be to find a comfortable position to work in. When you work on your posture, be sure to keep your spine in alignment and avoid prolonged slouching.

Yes, some exercises can help correct forward head posture. Exercises and regular workout helps strengthen your core muscles in the neck, upper back and mid-back.

One simple exercise is to sit in a chair with good posture and tuck your chin down towards your chest. You then need to extend your head back and up, hold for a few seconds and repeat.

Another exercise is to stand with good posture and place your hands on your hips. You then need to flex your head forward and down, hold for a few seconds and repeat.

We’ve got your back. Book a physiotherapy appointment today.

If you are suffering from posture problems or have questions about proper alignment of your spine or other postural issues and need help from a posture correction therapist in Langley, do not hesitate to call us at 604-532-7887 to know more and book an appointment.